Lately I have been feeling very anxious. I have shared with you before that anxiety is something that I have dealt with for awhile. When I just moved here I remember writing a post called "what I have learned so far" and in it I discussed how the subways, crowds and bad news on the TV was causing me to feel quite anxious, well since then I have learned to deal with crowds and subways a lot more. I still try avoid listening to too much bad news, obviously you can't avoid it especially with social media but I try not get engrossed in all the negativity that we have to listen to and watch every day.
I feel my anxiety may be worse at the moment due to the big decision we made to apply for permanent residency but for people who do suffer from anxiety you will know that some times you can't explain the reason for your anxiety and why you feel the way you do on a particular day, week or month. No one likes to feel down or panicked so I thought I would share with you the things I do to help me deal with it:
1. Exercise
For the last month I have been going to the gym in the mornings before work. I am mainly doing it for my mind. If I tone up then all the better but for me its all about feeling better and there is no better feeling after going to the gym or even a long walk. It clears your mind and gives you energy for the day. I think the morning works best for me. People are so busy these days, they say they don't have time but I am telling you, if you find at least ten minutes of your day to exercise you will feel so much better.
2. Talk
This is so important! Be it your girlfriend, boyfriend, mum, dad, friend, work colleague or even a professional. Talk to someone about how you are feeling. It's nothing to be ashamed of. I am quite open about how I am feeling and I think it really helps give you a sense of relief on a day you feel anxious. Someone will listen, even if they don't fully understand what you are going through. Remember if you are the person listening, everyone's anxiety is different. What might not seem a big deal to you could be a huge deal to someone else. So listen, try your best to support them and remember if they feel comfortable enough to open up to you, just sitting there and listening might simply be enough.
There are many great professionals out there that will also listen. Some times however you might not click with the person so don't despair, it might take a few professionals until you find the right person. I had a doctor tell me before they didn't have time for all my problems but that didn't stop me from finding someone who would listen to me. The point is someone will listen, so talk!
3. Treat yo'self
I love this tip! Lol. Really though, pick a day of the week or even once a month and buy yourself something you like. That could be as small as a chocolate bar or as expensive as a pink leather zara coat you wanted for weeks ;-) We work hard enough and for long enough so we need to treat ourselves every now and then. You don't need to break the bank to show yourself a little love once and awhile.
4. Headspace:
If you haven't heard of this app, I would highly recommend it. Its free to download and includes 10 sessions for meditation, additional sessions are available to purchase. It really helps me if I can't go to sleep at night. Night time is when I think the most and worry and this app helps me relax. It's a mediation app and they talk you through the steps. Some times I fall asleep while he is still talking, which is ideal. I should really use it more not just at night to make me more calm all the time. Definitely download it if you find it hard to relax.
5. Find what you love and do it..often
If you don't already know what you love to do, go out and try new things. It might be going for walks, it might be yoga, it might be meeting your friends for coffee, it might be going for brunch with your boyfriend (I wonder who I am talking about here), it might be helping others, it might be getting dressed up and spending time doing your make up, it might be kicking a ball around with your friends. Whatever it may be, if you love doing it then do it often. If that is what makes you happy then that's all the more reason to do it regularly. This world is so judgmental but don't let that stop you from doing the things you love.
Last week, my dear cousin passed away at the young age of 32. Unfortunately I couldn't be home to be with my family but if it has taught me anything, it's that life is too short to waste being unhappy. I know that is easier said than done but we need to try our best. Buy the coat, find what you love doing, take care of your body which will help take care of your mind and remember to talk! You are not alone and it's okay not to be ok.
I hope some of these tips will help you, they work for me and I hope that if someone reading this is feeling down that I might have helped them. Take care of one and other, life is precious!
Hope you all have a happy and healthy long weekend in Ireland! Its not a long weekend here unfortunately so I'm very jealous.
I feel my anxiety may be worse at the moment due to the big decision we made to apply for permanent residency but for people who do suffer from anxiety you will know that some times you can't explain the reason for your anxiety and why you feel the way you do on a particular day, week or month. No one likes to feel down or panicked so I thought I would share with you the things I do to help me deal with it:
1. Exercise
For the last month I have been going to the gym in the mornings before work. I am mainly doing it for my mind. If I tone up then all the better but for me its all about feeling better and there is no better feeling after going to the gym or even a long walk. It clears your mind and gives you energy for the day. I think the morning works best for me. People are so busy these days, they say they don't have time but I am telling you, if you find at least ten minutes of your day to exercise you will feel so much better.
2. Talk
This is so important! Be it your girlfriend, boyfriend, mum, dad, friend, work colleague or even a professional. Talk to someone about how you are feeling. It's nothing to be ashamed of. I am quite open about how I am feeling and I think it really helps give you a sense of relief on a day you feel anxious. Someone will listen, even if they don't fully understand what you are going through. Remember if you are the person listening, everyone's anxiety is different. What might not seem a big deal to you could be a huge deal to someone else. So listen, try your best to support them and remember if they feel comfortable enough to open up to you, just sitting there and listening might simply be enough.
There are many great professionals out there that will also listen. Some times however you might not click with the person so don't despair, it might take a few professionals until you find the right person. I had a doctor tell me before they didn't have time for all my problems but that didn't stop me from finding someone who would listen to me. The point is someone will listen, so talk!
3. Treat yo'self
I love this tip! Lol. Really though, pick a day of the week or even once a month and buy yourself something you like. That could be as small as a chocolate bar or as expensive as a pink leather zara coat you wanted for weeks ;-) We work hard enough and for long enough so we need to treat ourselves every now and then. You don't need to break the bank to show yourself a little love once and awhile.
4. Headspace:
If you haven't heard of this app, I would highly recommend it. Its free to download and includes 10 sessions for meditation, additional sessions are available to purchase. It really helps me if I can't go to sleep at night. Night time is when I think the most and worry and this app helps me relax. It's a mediation app and they talk you through the steps. Some times I fall asleep while he is still talking, which is ideal. I should really use it more not just at night to make me more calm all the time. Definitely download it if you find it hard to relax.
5. Find what you love and do it..often
If you don't already know what you love to do, go out and try new things. It might be going for walks, it might be yoga, it might be meeting your friends for coffee, it might be going for brunch with your boyfriend (I wonder who I am talking about here), it might be helping others, it might be getting dressed up and spending time doing your make up, it might be kicking a ball around with your friends. Whatever it may be, if you love doing it then do it often. If that is what makes you happy then that's all the more reason to do it regularly. This world is so judgmental but don't let that stop you from doing the things you love.
Last week, my dear cousin passed away at the young age of 32. Unfortunately I couldn't be home to be with my family but if it has taught me anything, it's that life is too short to waste being unhappy. I know that is easier said than done but we need to try our best. Buy the coat, find what you love doing, take care of your body which will help take care of your mind and remember to talk! You are not alone and it's okay not to be ok.
I hope some of these tips will help you, they work for me and I hope that if someone reading this is feeling down that I might have helped them. Take care of one and other, life is precious!
Hope you all have a happy and healthy long weekend in Ireland! Its not a long weekend here unfortunately so I'm very jealous.
Take care xx
Talk soon
Zita J