Monday is nearly over everyone, one step closer to the weekend. I have something on every weekend before I leave so I really look forward to them. Today I decided I would let you all in on some facts about me so you would get to know the girl between the screen a little bit better. So here it goes..
1. My middle name is James hence why my blog name is "J is for James" and why I am called Zita J by lots of people
2. I know James is a boys name, people often say " that's a boys name", sometimes I just say, "Really?" The reason behind it is because I am named after my late uncle.
3. My Mum's name is also Zita.
4. I have a small immediate family consisting of a Mum, Dad and sister but have quite a large extended family with lots of aunts and uncles and about 60 cousins!
5. I have a pet cat called Blinky, I got her in January for my birthday and she was from a homeless shelter. She was timid and shy, now she rules the house.
6. Every animal I have owned has been crazy, My first dogs name was "Shoes", maybe they were all crazy as payback for the terrible names I gave them.
7. My favourite food is rashers! I could eat a whole pack if you let me. I would share any food but if someone tries to take a rasher off me I get odd, Really odd!
8. Speaking of my love of rashers, when I was smaller and being babysat by a neighbour she gave us our lunch. A fry, with NO rashers. When she arrived with her plate of food, what was on her plate but RASHERS. Me being an outspoken curly head little girl, I piped up and said, "where are my rashers?". Being cute worked and I got my rasher fix:-)
1. My middle name is James hence why my blog name is "J is for James" and why I am called Zita J by lots of people
2. I know James is a boys name, people often say " that's a boys name", sometimes I just say, "Really?" The reason behind it is because I am named after my late uncle.
3. My Mum's name is also Zita.
4. I have a small immediate family consisting of a Mum, Dad and sister but have quite a large extended family with lots of aunts and uncles and about 60 cousins!
5. I have a pet cat called Blinky, I got her in January for my birthday and she was from a homeless shelter. She was timid and shy, now she rules the house.
6. Every animal I have owned has been crazy, My first dogs name was "Shoes", maybe they were all crazy as payback for the terrible names I gave them.
7. My favourite food is rashers! I could eat a whole pack if you let me. I would share any food but if someone tries to take a rasher off me I get odd, Really odd!
8. Speaking of my love of rashers, when I was smaller and being babysat by a neighbour she gave us our lunch. A fry, with NO rashers. When she arrived with her plate of food, what was on her plate but RASHERS. Me being an outspoken curly head little girl, I piped up and said, "where are my rashers?". Being cute worked and I got my rasher fix:-)
9. When I was younger I played so many games, like most children should. Besides Tip The Can and Rotten Egg, Hide and Seek (the classic) was one of my ultimate favourites. I always wanted to be the best at it. One day while playing it with my Mum, Dad and Sister, my Dad decided to help me win and my sister was on. He hid me in a cupboard above the wardrobe. All excited that my sister would never find me, the excitement got the better of me. My dad was hiding in the same room under the bed covers when I said "Daddy I need to pee". He replied, "Just wait she'll find us soon!", To which I replied, "Daddy, too late!". He opened the cupboard to take me down and put me into the shower fully clothed and hosed me down,while laughing hysterically , Its my Mum I felt sorry for who had to deal with a stream of wee running down the wardrobe on her lovely dresses.
10. While I have already shared quite a few personal things with you, why not keep going? From the outside looking in, I may look like a confident person but like most people I have many insecurities and behind every selfie or poser pictures, is a girl who has been through a fair share of personal ups and downs. I am quite an anxious person. I have learned that having a good balance of exercise, healthy eating and surrounding yourself with positive people helps to manage it and that's what works for me:-)
11. I have had my fair share of awkward moments in my 25 years. For some reason I get nervous when talking to certain people or in certain situations and anything could happen. Here is a funny example, while clubbing a few years ago I was walking passed a groups of lads with one of my friends. Instead of just walking passed like a normal person, I walked passed lunging and bobbing my head and shouted "HOW R DA BOI'S!?! just like the turtle on the Sminky Shorts video.
Another example more recently was telling one of the Dad's in work that, "He wouldn't be my Dad anymore". I actually meant I wouldn't be working there next year so I wouldn't be teaching his daughter but of course it came out like that! There is an endless list, some too embarrassing to even publicly admit.
12. Sometimes, I cringe when I think about these moments,other times I remember its what makes me... me! I am not normal but then again who wants to be....
13. This might surprise some people but I adore Roy Keane! For as long as I remember I have been obsessed. I have countless autographs and when I was 12, I skipped school to get his book signed. My mum came up with a great idea to get my sick note from school signed by him (which the school loved..NOT!). This went down a treat with my idol and I ended up being on fourteen newspapers the next day for my Mums creative idea. The whole thing was a blur to be honest. My goal is to get another book of his signed and get the same photo just 13 years later:-)
14. Keeping to sport related topics, I loved sports when I was younger. I played soccer and GAA. When someone told me it was a boys sport and not for girls, I stupidly listened and stopped! Don't you just wish you could go back to some moments in your teenage years and tell your younger self to stand up for what you love?
15. There are many things we wish we did differently or said or not said, right? However I think I have learned a lot from my experiences I have been through in my short 25 years. I have learnt that life doesn't always go to plan, although that can be stressful, maybe that's the path you are meant to go on. Its OK not to feel OK. There are lots of people around you who feel the same. Talk to people who care about you, find what you love and what works for you, everything will be OK and most importantly...Never hide in cupboards if your excited and need to pee.
Have a great week in this lovely sunshine:-)
Talk soon xx
Zita J
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