Monday, 14 September 2015

Its all about...Nancy!

Hi Everyone,

Hope you all recovered from the weekend, I hear the weather in Ireland was a washout. Don't despair though, it was awful here too. It rained for two days straight. First time its rained for that long since I got here. I cant complain really. Today is gorgeous and sunny however and I am inside writing this post. So a little update on how I am getting on. If I am honest, I found the past week pretty tough here. There is a lot going on back home that I wish I could be home for and while skyping a friend the other day I just wanted to climb into the laptop and be back in Cork. I don't think anyone can prepare you for that feeling, when you would do anything to just be with someone even for one hour when you are so far away but I suppose that is  the reality of moving away. Another reason why I am finding it hard this week is because I am not at home to watch my beautiful little niece turn three.

For anyone who knows me or anyone who is friends with me on any social media site you will already know that I am obsessed with my gorgeous godchild Nancy and I am damn proud of it too! I wrote a blog post about  what I am leaving behind before I left. Nancy was obviously a big part of that post. She is someone who I miss terribly as she is changing and growing so fast. She is stone mad! She comes up with the funniest things. I am not just biased because she is my niece but she is also the most beautiful little girl you will ever see (ok maybe I am a little biased). My sister puts up a blog post called Nancy Says on her blog Turquoise Flamingo and the things she comes out with are hilarious, I particularly  love that she has a few imaginary friends. One guy, Tony, who seems to be very old with a walking stick and a new girl called Trophy. She tells my sister when they are in the house and if they are awake etc. To be honest as I am typing this I am kinda glad I'm this far away...jokes!

Knowing I was going to find being away and missing big parts of Nancy's life difficult, my sister came up with this lovely idea. On her Instagram page @cathyflamingo she started a hashtag called #WatchNancyGrow and posts up photos all the time for me to see her grow and that way I don't miss a thing. Social Media can be a pain sometimes but when you are away from home it can make you feel so much closer. Skyping Nancy is so much fun as she constantly asks what I am doing and shows me random toys she has. She quickly always asks for Parker (she obsessed) and I soon become not so important anymore, which is totally perfect for me as it makes things feel the same, that nothing has changed. The downside of Skype is when you can't just hug her or when she asks "when are you coming home, Zita J?"

I sent a present home last week and was very sad to learn it would take 4-6 weeks but I hope she will enjoy it when it does get there (by Halloween..uhh). So as she turns three tomorrow, I will miss out! Although I am sad, I know the love that surrounds her already and that makes me happy again! Tomorrow on my J is for James page I will be putting up something special I did for Nancy in honour of her turning the big watch out for it!

 For now, Happy Birthday to one of the most stylish, outgoing, funny, adorable, craziest three year old I know. I am proud of the little person you have become and I hope one day when I tell you all about my adventures in Canada you'll be proud of me too.

Love you lots xx

Auntie Zita J

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